Aneta Szczesniewicz / City of Frankfurt (Oder)
Municipal Development Advisory Board
Moderation and support of the Municipal Development Advisory Board in Frankfurt (Oder)
Read moreAcross all areas of the Institute, IKM researchers research, accompany and moderate dialogue processes in connection with social transformation, whether in a national or international context, in political or civil society contexts.
The Institute develops, moderates and teaches formats and methods for social dialogues in which controversial, even seemingly irreconcilable perspectives and opinions on how to deal with such change processes, can meet in a way that is both honest and creates added value. The aim is to create safe spaces for discourse and lively processes for such an open exchange about differences and a constructive negotiation of coexistence. The limits that established decision-making and participation formats have encountered to date need to be overcome; the limits that protect democratic coexistence in such formats, on the other hand, need to be strengthened.
Focus: Climate protection and sustainability
The climate crisis threatens our coexistence and requires action: There is a consensus on this between almost all relevant political and civil society actors. However, the ideas on what this action should look like differ widely: Particular concerns, narrow perspectives and diverging priorities are slowing down ongoing decision-making processes that actually call for a swift conclusion. Broad majorities are needed for the upcoming change processes. However, there will only be broad majorities for very convincing concepts that need to be negotiated. This involves bundling individual approaches, untangling supposed contradictions, constructively resolving real contradictions, appreciating resistance and scepticism and encouraging creativity.
The IKM uses findings from negotiation science for process design and moderation in order to bring citizens, NGOs and political actors to the table. The focus is on the organisation of dialogue, the moderation of decision-making processes and the support of strategy development. The primary focus is on scrutinising different points of view and integrating them constructively.
Focus: Regional participation
Municipalities are a crucial space when it comes to social conflicts, especially in connection with larger transformation processes: This is where the transformation of society takes place in the immediate professional and personal reality of life, where conflicts are dealt with locally, and where direct dialogue and practical solutions are possible – and often absolutely necessary. Transformation in regions and municipalities can only succeed if ideas are developed jointly, responsibilities are assumed by society as a whole and any conflicts of interest are transparently identified. Participation processes require a solid process design; close, impartial support; and a constructive attitude towards the differences and conflicting goals that are inevitably associated with them.
Special attention is regularly paid to the decision-making process – all parties involved need a clear orientation as to where there is room for manoeuvre, and they need to agree on principles for priorities and further action. The Institute takes on various roles in such procedures: from training those involved with regard to communication to advising on process issues through to impartial moderation.