Prof. Dr. Ulla Gläßer, LL.M. (UC Berkeley)

Prof. Dr. Ulla Gläßer

Institute for Conflict Management

Deputy Director & Academic Director of the master's degree programme Mediation and Conflict Management; Professorship for Mediation, Conflict Management and Procedural Studies

Ulla Gläßer received her training in mediation and negotiation, including postgraduate studies, at the University of California, Berkeley (USA). She is a practising business mediator in conflicts between and within companies and other organisations and advises on the development of conflict management structures and systems. She is also a member of the International Academy of Mediators, the International Advisory Board of the Africa Mediation Association and the Bundesverband Mediation (BM) and is a licenced mediator and BM® trainer.

Ulla Gläßer is co-editor of a commentary on the Mediation Act (Nomos Verlag) as well as several series of publications on Mediation and Conflict Management and a member of the editorial board of Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement (ZKM).


Research focus:

  • Conflict management in the economy

  • Extrajudicial grievance mechanisms in the field of business and human rights

  • Court-connected mediation

  • Methodology, legal framework and quality assurance of mediation and other extrajudicial conflict resolution procedures


Eine Übersicht zu den aktuellen Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Ulla Gläßer finden Sie auf der Homepage der Professur für Mediation, Konfliktmanagement und Verfahrenslehre.


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Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • HG 069

+49 335 5534 2780