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Open access publications, articles and interviews
The employees of the Institute for Conflict Management publish in academic journals and anthologies, but also contribute ideas and impulses to commercial media through interviews or guest contributions. The publications that are freely accessible thanks to open access are listed below. Complete lists of publications including contributions that are not freely accessible can be found in the profile of the respective employees and the Viadrina research database.
- Clemens, Mario & Hochmuth, Clemens (2024): Political Speech on Campus: Shifting the Emphasis from "if" to "how", Minerva.
- Clemens, Mario (2024): "Timothy Garton Ash, 'Homelands: A Personal History of Europe'", LSE Review of Books blog.
- IKM, CSSP & inmedio & Community of Dialogue Practitioners (2024): "Military support AND diplomacy - and what the Swiss 'peace summit' can achieve", (english version on second page), statement after organised event (31 May 2024).
- Clemens, Mario (2023): "Michael Walzer, 'The Struggle for a Decent Politics. On "Liberal" as an Adjective'", LSE Review of Books blog.
- Clemens, Mario (2023): "Wertepluralismus ohne Relativismus - Entscheiden im Angesicht unvereinbarer Imperative" (Review of George Crowder, The Problem of Value Pluralism), Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie 1-2 / 2022, 341-347.
- Clemens, Mario (2023): "Francis Fukuyama, 'Liberalism and Its Discontents'", Philosophy in Review 43(1) / 2023, 16-18.
- Clemens, Mario (2022): "Charles Larmore, 'What is Political Philosophy?'", Philosophy in Review 42(4) / 2022, 23-25.
- Clemens, Mario (2022): D.N. Rodowick "David Norman Rodowick, 'An Education in Judgment. Hannah Arendt and the Humanities'", LSE Review of Books blog.
- Development of the conflict management process selection assistant "KOMPASS" as part of the Round Table Mediation and Conflict Management in Business .
- Clemens, Mario: Review (2021): "Raymond Geuss," Who Needs a World View?"", Philosophy in Review 41(4) / 2021, 233-235.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne & Würkert, Felix (2021): "Norms as a regulatory framework for peace mediation", Journal of Peace and Conflict Research 10, 45-75.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne (2021): "(Dys-) Functions and Potentials of Norms as a Guidance System for Peace Mediators", In: Hellmüller/Pring/Richmond, "Special Issue: Norms in International Peace Mediation", Swiss Political Science Review 26(4) / 2020, 384-406.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Holper, Anne (ed.) (2020): "Peace Mediation - Tension between Methodology, Power and Politics", Interdisciplinary Studies in Mediation and Conflict Management, 195-226.
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars & Leschinski/Röder/Vogt & von Dobeneck, Julia & Walter-Drop (2020): "Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fragile contexts and foreign policy instruments." / "Auswirkungen der Covid-19 Pandemie auf fragile Kontexte und außenpolitische Instrumente.", Joint Paper of the Academic Researchers seconded to the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Assistance, Crisis Prevention, Stabilisation and Post-Conflict Reconstruction of the Federal Foreign Office.
- Hochmuth, Christian (2020): "Kein Nischenproblem: Was begünstigt und verhindert Mobbing in der Wissenschaft?", In: Forschung und Lehre 06 / 2020, 494-495.
- Kirchhoff/Kraus & Frazer & Kyselova, Tetiana & Mason/Palmiano Federer (2019): "Dilemmas and Trade-Offs in Peacemaking: A Framework for Navigating Difficult Decisions", Politics and Governance 7(4) / 2019, 331-342.
- IMSD / Federal Foreign Office (2019): "The normative framework and the international legal basis of peace mediation", Fact Sheet Series: Peace Mediation and Mediation Support Fact Sheet.
- IMSD / Federal Foreign Office (2019): "Methodology and communication tools in peace mediation", Fact Sheet Series: Peace Mediation and Mediation Support.
- Gläßer, Ulla & Pfeiffer / Schmitz / Bond (2019): "Non-judicial grievance mechanisms along global supply chains. Recommendations for institutionalisation, implementation and procedural design", Executive Summary, BMJ.
- Development of the Dispute Resolution Comparison Tool "DiReCT" as part of the Round Table Mediation and Conflict Management in Business .
- Kraus (now Holper), Anne & Kyselova, Tetiana (2018): "Doing Action Research on Dialogues in Ukraine", In: "Special Issue: Conflict Resolution and Peace Initiatives", Journal of Consulting and Management Science 4 / 2018, 64-71.
- Kyselova, Tetiana & Kraus, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars & von Dobeneck, Julia (2017): "Track III Dialogues in Ukraine: Full Research Report", Center for Peace Mediation / Kiev-Mohyla Academy.
- Kerber, Imke & Kraus, Anne (2017): "Dialogue in Odessa, Ukraine. Findings and suggestions based on a series of interviews with local dialogue actors, carried out in Odessa in 2015", Center for Peace Mediation, Frankfurt (Oder).
- IMSD / Federal Foreign Office (2017): "Basics of Mediation: Concepts and Definitions", Fact Sheet Series: Peace Mediation and Mediation Support.
- IMSD / Federal Foreign Office (2017): "Normative Normativer Bezugsrahmen und völkerrechtliche Grundlagen der Friedensmediation", Fact Sheet Series: Peace Mediation and Mediation Support, No. 5.
- Löhr, Katharina & Hochmuth, Christian & Sieber, Stefan (2017): "Konfliktpräventions- und Konfliktmanagement-
Systeme in Verbundprojekten. Ein Leitfaden zur Konzeption und Implementierung", Münchenberg 2017. - Löhr, Katharina / Hochmuth, Christian / Sieber, Stefan: "Conflict Prevention and Management Systems in Collaborative Research Projects. A guide for design and implementation", Münchenberg 2017.
- Hoppenbrock, Jasper & Wendenburg, Felix (2017): "Ein Blick in die Zukunft der Alternativen Konfliktbeilegung", Konfliktdynamik 6(04) / 2017, 286-292.
- Kyselova, Tetiana & von Dobeneck, Julia (2017): "Track III Dialogues in Ukraine: Major Patterns and Resulting Risks", Research-based Policy Paper. CPM/KMA Research project. Ukrainian version.
- Gläßer, Ulla & Kirchhoff, Lars (2016): "Konfliktmanagement in der deutschen Wirtschaft – Entwicklungen eines Jahrzehnts", PricewaterhouseCoopers AG - Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne (2016): "Von Zauberhänden und Verregelungsskepsis. Normen im Konflikt", In: Conflict Dynamics 5(02) / 2016, 94-101.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne (2016): "Konflikte und Normen", interview with Birgit Gantz-Rathmann, Christoph Möllers and Alexander Redlich. In: Conflict Dynamics 5(02) / 2016, 110-116.
- Mediation Support Network (2016): "Challenges to Mediation Support in Hot Wars. Learnings from Syria and Ukraine", Mediation Support Network Discussion Points 7.
- Löhr, Katharina & Hochmuth, Christian & Graef, Frieder & Wambura, Jane & Sieber, Stefan (2016): "Conflict management programmes in trans-disciplinary research projects: the case of a food security project in Tanzania", In: Food Security 2016, 1189-1201.
- von Dobeneck, Julia & Kraus (now Holper), Anne (2016): "Challenges to Mediation and Dialogue in Ukraine: Distrust in Procedures a Dysfunctional Market", CPM Discussion Paper.
- Balks, Anne-Dörte & Hochmuth, Christian & Lottmann, André (2015): "Memorandum "Zur Professionalisierung des Wissenschaftsmanagements im Dienste eines zukunftsfähigen Wissenschaftssystems", Netzwerk Wissensmanagement.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Klowait, Jürgen (2014): "Business Mediation, ADR and Conflict Management in the German Corporate Sector - Status, Development & Outlook", In: Transnational Dispute Management 11(6) / December 2014, 1-23.
- Hochmuth, Christian (2014): "Eine Analyse des Konfliktumfeldes Hochschule", In: Das Hochschulwesen 62(3) / 2014, 93-101.
- Wendenburg, Felix (2014): "Review of", Konfliktdynamik 3(1), 86-87.
- Gläßer, Ulla & Kirchhoff, Lars (2013): "Konfliktmanagement als Instrument werteorientierter Unternehmensführung", PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne Isabel et al. (eds.) (2013): "Translating Guidance into Practice: Commentary on the UN Guidance for Effective Mediation", Mediation Support Network Discussion 2, 2013.
- Mediation Support Network (2013): "Mind the Gap: How Mediation Support Can Better Respond to the Needs of Local Societies", Mediation Support Network Discussion Points 4.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Adrian, Lin et al. (2013): "Guide for Regulating Dispute Resolution (GRDR): Principles and Comments", In: Steffek / Unberath (eds.): "Regulating Dispute Resolution. ADR and Access to Justice at the Crossroads", 13-32.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne (2012): "What Will be the Face and the Soul of EU Peace Mediation?", In: Tamminen, Tanja (ed.): "Strengthening the EU's Peace Mediation Capacities: Leveraging for Peace Through New Ideas", Helsinki: Finnish Institute for International Affairs FIIA Report, 81-89.
- Mediation Support Network (2012): "Translating Guidance into Practice: Commentary on the UN Guidance for Effective Mediation", Mediation Support Network Discussion Points 2.
- Gläßer, Ulla & Kirchhoff, Lars (2011): "Konfliktmanagement - Von den Elementen zum System", PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
- Kraus (now Holper), Anne (2011): "Culture-sensitive Process Design: Overcoming Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas", In: Simon Mason, Damiano Sguaitamatti (eds.): "Religion in Conflict Transformation", Politorbis 52(2) / 2011, 35-48.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Lanz, David & Siegfried, Matthias & Wählisch, Martin (2008): "Evaluating Peace Mediation. Study for the Mediation Cluster of the Initiative for Peace Building", IFP Mediation Cluster, Brussels 2008.
- Gläßer, Ulla & Kirchhoff, Lars (2007): "Praxis des Konfliktmanagement deutscher Unternehmen", PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
- Kirchhoff, Lars (2007): "Linking Mediation and Transitional Justice", background study of the conference "Peace and Justice" of the Foreign Ministries of Germany, Finland and Jordan and the Centre for Transitional Justice New York 2007.
- Kraus (now Holper), Anne (2007): "Chinese-European Dispute Resolution in China: Towards Culturally Matching Procedures", EU-China European Studies Working Paper, Centre for Applied Policy Research.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Schroeter, Kirsten (2006): "Mediations"wissenschaft"? Zwischen Wissenschaftstheorie und Pragmatismus", Journal of Conflict Management 2 / 2006, 56-59.
- Gläßer, Ulla & Kirchhoff, Lars (2005): "Interessenermittlung - Spannungsfeld zwischen Präzision und Emotion", Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement 4 / 2005, 130-133.
- Breidenbach, Stephan & Kirchhoff, Lars & Gläßer, Ulla & Hammes, Michael & Nestler, Claudia (2005): "Commercial Dispute Resolution. Konfliktbearbeitungsverfahren im Vergleich", PricewaterhouseCoopers/Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Frankfurt am Main.
- Hochmuth, Christian (2023): "Streit gehört zur Wissenschaft dazu", In: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Issue 04/23, 30-32.
- Hochmuth, Christian & Ruf, Andre & Bieletzki, Nadja & Krempkow René & Sankowsky Helmut (2023): "Students are the real allies" - Interview with Anja Grothe on sustainability in universities and academic institutions, In: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, Issue 02/23, 20-23.
- Holper, Anne (2022): "Friedensstrategien: Putin eine neue Arena anbieten", Interview with ARD Morgenmagazin (11 May 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Negotiating at all costs? What Butscha means for the peace talks", Focus Online guest article (5 Apr 2022).
- Initiative Mediation Support (2022): "Krieg in der Ukraine: Haben Verhandlungen eine Chance?", Collaborative non-paper with the Initiative Mediation Support Germany (30 Mar 2022).
- Holper, Anne (2022): "Golden Bridges", Interview with Publik-Forum (11 Mar 2022).
- Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "A despot at a dead end - can the West open a door to peace for Putin?", interview with Focus Online (2 Mar 2022).
- Holper, Anne (2022): Interview with Berliner Rundfunk on the war negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, (1 Mar 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Find Putin and Nato the Ukraine way out?", Interview with (23 Feb 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Middle East, distant peace? A mediation-methodological look at the Middle East conflict", Viadrina Logbuch (9 Jun 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2023): "Vier Stellschrauben sind wichtig, um dem Ende des Ukraine-Kriegs näher kommen.", In: Focus Online (21 Apr 2023).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Der innere Putin-Widerspruch der Deutschen und wie wir jetzt mit Russland reden sollten.", In: Focus Online (30 Jun 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Conflict experts: If you want peace, you should wait for a decisive moment with Putin", In: Focus Online guest article (12 May 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Negotiating at all costs? What Butscha means for the peace talks", Focus Online guest article (5 Apr 2022).
- Holper, Anne & Kirchhoff, Lars (2022): "Find Putin and Nato the Ukraine way out?", In: (23 Feb 2022).
- von Dobeneck, Julia & Kirchhoff, Lars & Holper, Anne (2016): "Von Elefanten und Papiertigern in der Friedensmediation.", contribution to PeaceLab 2016: "Krisenprävention weiter denken", Frankfurt (Oder).
- Holper, Anne & Brockmeier (2020): "Germany & Peace Mediation (Part 2): Interview with Niels Annen.", In: PeacebyPeace Podcast | S3E5 (29 Oct 2020).
- Kirchhoff, Lars & von Dobeneck, Julia & Brockmeier, Sarah (2020): "Germany & Peace Mediation (Part 1): Between Methodology, Power and Politics.", In: PeacebyPeace Podcast | S3E4 (29 Oct 2020).
- Hochmuth, Christian (2013): "Kontroversen - Kinder - Koalitionen.", Eine Tagung zum fünfjährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Conflict Management an der Europa-Universität Viadrina nimmt den gegenwärtigen Stand des Feldes Konfliktmanagement in der Blick, 2013. .
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Wendenburg, Felix (2012): "Konfliktmanagement IV - Nachhaltige Verankerung von Konfliktmanagement im Unternehmen. Conference at Bucerius Law School.", October 2012.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne (2012): "Peace Mediation in the EU Context - State of Play of the Establishment Process, Symposium Report.", Institute for Conflict Management European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 2012.
- Becker, Nicole & Gläßer, Ulla & Kraus, Anne & Kremer, Elisabeth & Wendenburg, Felix (2010): "3rd Berlin Symposium on Court Mediation. Court Mediation - quo vadis? Court Mediation between Establishment and Dead End, Symposium Report.", European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Berlin District Court, Berlin Bar Association 2010.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne & Kremer, Elisabeth (2009): "Konfliktmanagement (III) - Von den Komponenten zum System. Report on the conference at Bucerius Law School.", ed. by Institute for Conflict Management European University Viadrina, 2009.
- Kirchhoff, Lars & Kraus, Anne & Wählisch, Martin (2008): "Mediative Methoden in der internationalen Friedensförderung, Symposiumsbericht.", European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) / Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance Berlin. 2008.