Track III-I Dialogues

Research & Transfer Project "Track III Dialogues in Ukraine - Major Trends and Challenges"

Research & Transfer Project "Track III Dialogues in Ukraine - Major Trends and Challenges"

The research project "Track III Dialogues in Ukraine - Major Trends and Challenges" was conducted jointly by the Center for Peace Mediation and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in EU Studies at the Kyiv Mohyla Academy Ukraine in 2016-2017.

In March 2016, the Center for Peace Mediation and Tetiana Kyselova (Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University) In cooperation with the Robert Bosch Foundation hosted the expert round table “Implementing Mediation and Dialogue in Ukraine: Cultural and Institutional Impediments and Possible Improvements“. The participants were international mediation and dialogue experts from academia and practice, e.g. from ETH Zurich, swisspeace, the HD Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue,  MediatEUR and the OSCE.

The “Track III Dialogues” project was one of the first research-based attempts to better understand the various challenges of civil society dialogues in Ukraine, with the explicit aim of providing a scientific basis for systematic responses to these difficulties. The project identified the most serious obstacles to the success of dialogue and peace mediation processes in Ukraine on Track III, initiated reflection on possible meaningful responses and identified key questions for further research. The project's action research approach involved Ukrainian and international mediation and dialogue practitioners in the analysis of challenges and strategies to overcome them.

After 2017, Tetiana Kyselova deepened the research after the end of the project in 2017, the CPM expanded and extended its activities in the context of Ukraine-Russia to other tracks.

Project overview

Funding: Robert Bosch Foundation


  • Julia von Dobeneck, European University Viadrina
  • Dr Anne Holper, European University Viadrina
  • Imke Kerber, European University Viadrina
  • Prof Dr Lars Kirchhoff, European University Viadrina
  • Dr Tetiana Kyselova, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Dr Anne Holper